Information and Case Studies of Initiatives on Digitalisation in Sectors of the Economy

  • Details
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
  • Part 4
  • Part 5
  • Part 6

Personal Details

Name and Email(Required)

Name *
Organisation *

Email *

Part 2

For any sector below: Are there any projects or investments driven by mobile technology in Kenya?

Can you provide evidence of the impacts of these projects on productivity, livelihoods,GDP?

Can you provide details or references to published reports and documents for each sector?

Select a sector


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents


Kenya's Governement priorities and plans for the digitalisation of the sector
Example of project with MNOs involcement
Impact on GDP, Productivity, Efficiency, Etc..
Reference to reports or documents

Part 3

What are key digital government priority programmes and targets?

What is the status of these?

How are these priority actions being funded?

What are the key requirements for success?

Status : Funding :

Key Requirements for success

Part 4

Do digital government services allow or plan to allow payments via mobile money?

Do digital governemt services allow or plan to allow payments via mobile money ?


Part 5

What is the impact so far of digital government services in terms of coverage?

Did the introduction of digital payments lead to an increase in compliance, registered users, or other impacts?

Approximate the Impact of digital government services in terms of coverage


Impact of digital payments on compliance

Briefly describe

Impact on registered users

Briefly describe

Any other impacts

Part 6

Please provide a description of the digital programme current status and targets.

What are the successes so far and what have been learnings so far for future success to enable increased digital governemt

and broader digital transformation and inclusion?

Description of the digital programme current status

Description of the digital programme targets

